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Design News

Creativity Spark

Smashing Magazine presents over 100 breathtaking illustrations from some of the best contemporary graphic designers, illustrators and artists.

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Deliverables That Work: Design Description Documents

Communicating design is tricky business. Robert Hoekman Jr. shares the tool he uses to package them all -- the DDD.

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A Stripe of List Style Inspiration

It's time to get creative and break free of the cliched css-styled link lists.

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A CSS styled table version 2

Some tricks on how you can implement tables with accessibility in mind and how to make them appealing for the eye using CSS.

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Banner Blindness: Old and New Findings

Jakob Nielsen: Of the four design elements that do attract a few ad fixations, one is unethical and reduces the value of advertising networks.

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Top 40 Logo Inspiration Resources

This is E Logo Design's list of best logo inspiration resources on the internet, plus 4 books.

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The Future of CSS and the end of 3.0

It sounds like CSS 3 as The Big Unit is basically dead, and small modules are the way forward.

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34 Places to Get Design Inspiration - Online and Off

FreelanceSwitch has compiled a list of some really good places to find design inspiration.

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